Free Ebook BookVol.1. ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ANCIENT AND BABYLONIAN ASSYRIAN (Comparative Thesaurus-Lexicon of Aramaic Arabic Akkadian Babylonian Assyrian ... Sumerian Ugaritic Phoenician Syriac.)

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Get Vol.1. ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ANCIENT AND BABYLONIAN ASSYRIAN (Comparative Thesaurus-Lexicon of Aramaic Arabic Akkadian Babylonian Assyrian ... Sumerian Ugaritic Phoenician Syriac.)

Vol.1. ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY, ANCIENT AND BABYLONIAN ASSYRIANComparative Thesaurus-Lexicon of Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian, Babylonian Assyrian, Hebrew, Sumerian, Ugaritic, Phoenician, Syriac. Including Translation of Sumerian Assyrian Tablets.From A Set Of 4 Volumes (Approx, 1,300 Pages) Maximillien de Lafayette's books are available in 2 formats: Kindle edition at Paperback at lulu.comAuthor's Samples of words' definitions.Anum "Anuum": Akkadian/Sumerian/Babylonian Assyrian. Noun. Name of the Anunnaki's god Anu.*An in Sumerian. *An in Akkadian. *An in Chaldean. *Anu in Egyptian.*Also Anu in ancient Assyrian.Anum was the creator of the gods, including the peoples of the earth, but over time (3000-2500 B.C.) Anum lost his privileged position to his son Enlil. His main temple was in Uruk, where he was worshipped as god of that city. Later on, his daughter Inanna became a co-god of Uruk. Anum mated with the goddesses Ki and Nammu. His union with them gave birth to the gods.In Sumerian, "An" means:* Sky.* High. The word "An" was commonly used by Hurrians, Phoenicians, Elamites, Subarians, Sumerians, Akkadians, Medes, and Kasites. Apkalu: Ancient Assyrian/Sumerian. Noun.Name of the wise man who was sent to Earth by god Ea to teach mankind wisdom and knowledge. Babylonian mythology history tells us that there were seven Apkallu who lived on Earth since its creation, and the beginning of time. These sage men are depicted as human beings with wings. Some have an eagle head; others don't have wings and appear dressed in a sea-fish skin. Some were poets and writers who composed the epics of Erra and Gilgamesh, others were ministers to the god Ea. These sages were:1-Adapa (U-an, called Oannes)2-U-an duga3-E-me-duga4-En-me-galama 5-En-me-bulaga 6-An-Enlida7-Utu-abzuAr'a: Aramaic. Noun. A piece of land.*Ard in Arabic.*Heretz and Eretz in Hebrew.*Ertsu, Erestsu in Old Babylonian, Akkadian and Sumerian.*Irziti in ancient Assyrian.Sardanapulus said: "Bitkoor mookil maraz shameh  va irsiti." Translation: "Ruler directing the course of heaven and Earth." Arratu: Akkadian/Ancient Assyrian. Noun. A curse. *Saartaa in contemporary Assyrian Eastern dialect. *From the Assyrian Saarta, derived the Arabic word Shar, which means evil.Not to confound it with the Hebrew word Sara which means a princess and the various Mesopotamian words for Sar which means a prince.Ashur, "Aš-šùr", "Ashar": Assyrian/Sumerian/Babylonian/Akkadian/Aramaic. Noun. Identified with Ashir and Ansar. It means the merciful, the beneficent. The name of the supreme god of Assyria and god of war. Ashur was the King of the Igigi. "And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Akkad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land went forth Asshur, and built Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: The same is a great city."- Genesis 10:10-12 ."For through the voice of the Lord Assyria will be beaten down, As He strikes with the rod."-Isaiah 30:31."And He will stretch out His hand against the north, Destroy Assyria, And make Nineveh a desolation, As dry as the wilderness."-Zephaniah 2:13. "He shall pass through the sea with affliction, And strike the waves of the sea: All the depths of the River shall dry up. Then the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, and the scepter of Egypt shall depart."-Zechariah 10:11. His temple called E-Kharsg-Kurkurra in Ashur was one of the wonders of Assyrian architecture.Note: Coming soon, by MAXIMILLIEN DE LAFAYETTE "ENCYCLOPEDIC COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY OF ANCIENT DEAD LANGUAGES OF THE MIDDLE EAST, NEAR EAST ANATOLIA, in 10 volumes (Lexicon of 14 Semitic, Near-Eastern and Middle Eastern Languages from 5,000 BC to the Present Day) Approx. 3200 pages
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